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  The other six nations are the Cook Islands, Tonga, the Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Niue and Samoa. And US was arranged in the eighth place due to its 78-percent "fat" people.


  Diet is the main reason - people who once subsisted on fish, coconuts and root vegetables now eat imported processed foods that are high in sugar and fat, according to experts.


  In addition, according to Clive Moore, a South Pacific expert at the University of Queensland, generous proportions are seen as a sign of prosperity in those countries. In the past, only chiefs achieved a large girth. "If you're fat, you're wealthy," says Moore. "It's common to eat huge meals in the Pacific. People might only eat once a day, but the plate could be 4 inches high."

  另据澳大利亚昆士兰大学南太平洋问题专家克莱夫 摩尔称,在太平洋岛国,肥胖和成功之间被画上了等号。过去,只有部落酋长能拥有肥胖的身材。“如果你胖,就说明你富有,”摩尔说道。“在这些国家饭量大是很普遍的事情。人们可能一天只吃一次,但碟子足有4英寸(10.16厘米)高。”