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英老板舍弃供暖 用催眠术帮员工御寒


  A boss in UK who is adamant about not buying heaters for his workers, has resorted to hypnosis to make them "feel" warmth during freezing temperatures。


  Martin Connellann, the boss of a shoe factory in Worcestershire, bought a coat for his employees because the temperature dropped to -13 C. All workers were wearing coats, but still shivered from the door left open continuously。

  伍斯特郡一个名叫马丁 康奈兰的老板经营一家制鞋厂。英国气温已经降到零下13摄氏度,他为每个雇员买了一件大衣,但是寒风不断从作坊门钻进来。尽管雇员穿着大衣,他们依然冻得瑟瑟发抖。

  Finally, Connellan hired the services of a hypnotist named James Kerwin. After undergoing hypnosis session for five minutes, Connellan dumbfounded. He was surprised to see some of their workers wearing only socks and shorts just after it。

  后来,康奈兰请来一名叫詹姆斯 科文的催眠师来为雇员们服务。让康奈兰目瞪口呆的是,詹姆斯 科文在对鞋店的雇员们进行5分钟的催眠以后,一些雇员就热得脱掉大衣和长裤,只穿短裤和袜子继续工作。

  "I was very skeptical so I do not think that (hypnosis) it would work, but after that they even complain about how hot they are," said Connellan。


  A worker, Adam Hood said he felt much hotter than before. "At first my hands felt frozen. This is crazy, in a time not long ago. We went from one extreme condition to the opposite extreme," he said。

  一名叫亚当 伍德的员工称,他感到比以前热得多,"刚开始时我的手冻得很,但才过了没多久,就觉得手心冒汗了,这太疯狂了。我们从一个极端走到了另一个极端"。

  James Kerwin said that's all about mind -over- matter, such as reprogramming the computer. "You can train people to think differently about how they feel," says Kerwin。

  催眠师詹姆斯 科文表示,这一切都是心理在起作用,就像电脑重装程序一样。他说:“你可以让人们从不同的角度去思考,并产生不同的感觉”。