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  《真人秀》节目在美国娱乐圈大有越演越烈之势,通过开拍真人秀,大爆隐私太博取话题度,这已经成为不少迫不及待想上位的“明星”的捷径。刚闹完婚变的 “绝望主妇”伊娃-朗格利亚心情低落,最近,有传闻称,这位美女有意一开设一档“真人秀”节目。让大众可以一窥她的个人生活。有媒体称,A&E电视台“已经同意会以艾娃极富戏剧性的生活为蓝本,拍摄一档电视节目。“不过伊娃-朗格利亚的发言人立刻跳出来澄清,表示”真人秀一事纯属胡说八道”。

  Many stars are getting their own reality shows these days, but Eva Longoria definitely isn’t one of them。

  According to Gossip Cop, there was an erroneous report that claimed the “Desperate Housewives” babe was in talks with a network to give an inside look at her life。

  National Enquirer claimed A&E is “set to green-light a show based on her endlessly dramatic real life。”

  But in the end, a rep for Ms. Longoria set the record straight, telling Gossip Cop “This is total BS。”