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  A 110-year-old Malaysian man who has been looking for a wife said he was ready to marry again after an 82-year-old woman responded to his wish, a report said Sunday.

  现年110岁的马来西亚老人艾哈迈德 默罕迈德 伊萨日前表示,82岁的寡妇萨纳 艾哈迈德已经答应了他的求婚,两人即将举办婚礼。


  Ahmad Mohamad Isa, who has 20 grandchildren and 40 great-grandchildren, told Malay-language newspaper Utusan Malaysia earlier this week that he wanted company and a wife to take care of him.


  The report grabbed the attention of 82-year-old Sanah Ahmad, a widow of 30 years and mother of nine, who said she was willing to do so and had asked her children to contact Ahmad's family to make arrangements.


  "It doesn't matter who she is, as long as she can cook for me," Ahmad told the paper Sunday, saying he was happy and surprised at the news while his daughter would discuss the matter with Sanah's family.

  伊萨先前表示:“其实,不管她是谁,能为我做做饭就好。独居很孤单,我害怕自己一个人睡。娶个老婆,就有人照顾我了。” 伊萨的身体依然硬朗,只有听力与视力较差。

  "It is lonely to live alone and I am afraid to sleep alone. If I have a wife she can take care of me," the centenarian, who has five previous marriages and suffers mild hearing and vision problems, said in an earlier interview.

  Four of his wives have died and he divorced the fifth.


  Sanah told the paper that she was attracted to Ahmad as he bears a striking resemblance to her late husband and both men shared the same name.
