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  According to the Daily Telegraph on January 2, turning off mobile phones, avoiding the internet and tuning out of the television and radio can leave people suffering from symptoms similar to those seen in drug addicts trying to go cold turkey, researchers have found。

  The scientists asked volunteers to stay away from all emails, text messages, Facebook and Twitter updates for 24 hours. Some of those taking part said they felt like they were undergoing "cold turkey" to break a hard drug habit, while others said it felt like going on a diet. The condition is now being described as Information Deprivation Disorder。

  The research was led by the University of Maryland's International Centre for Media and the Public Agenda。

  While most participants in the study struggled without their mobile phones and felt they were missing out by not using Facebook, it was abstinence from music that caused them the most difficulty。

  Dr Gerodimos, of Bournemouth University, said: "What was amazing for us was how dependent people now are on their technology. People often don't own watches or alarm clocks because they rely upon their mobile phones to wake themselves up."




  在试验中,大部分志愿者感到没有手机让他们的生活变得"很艰难",如果不使用Facebook, 他们的生活就会“黯淡无光”,不听音乐日子就会变得很难熬。
