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布兰妮携新作亮相 最新单曲席卷网络


  久未有新作问世的乐坛天后布兰妮-斯皮尔斯终于在今日发行了她睽违已久最新单曲。这首名为《Hold It Against Me》的最新单曲与上周在某家网站被抢先披露,而官方版本也与本周一正式空降北美各大电台,随即便成为了询问度最高的歌曲,《Hold It Against Me》也有望在排行榜上再度夺冠。
  而在之前,布兰妮通过自己的微博tweeter公布了新单曲的封面,其中发丝凌乱的小甜甜双手托着面颊,妩媚撩人。《Hold It Against Me》自曝光以来,已经得到了众多乐评及媒体的正面的反响,而欣喜万分的粉丝们更是高呼:“小甜甜又回来了。”

  据悉,布兰妮将在今年发行以这支单曲所命名的第七张个人唱片《Hold It Against Me》,预计将在3月份时上市,而美国MTV电视台更是盛赞其为2001年全球乐坛最受期待的作品。对于之前流出的版本,布兰妮方面也并不担心,制作人Dr Luke澄清,“它与正式版差的很多”。布兰妮本人也在微博上写道“如果你们觉得那首歌不错的话,那就等听听周一就会出炉的版本吧。”

  "Hold It Against Me" is the first single from the pop princess in more than a year and the initial release from Spears' new album, due out in March.

  The release of the new song follows a drama-free year for Spears after her 2009 hit album "Circus", which marked the singer's musical comeback after a year-long personal and career meltdown.

  "Don't #HOLDITAGAINSTME for coming out early. I couldn't wait any longer. Hope you don't mind, " Spears, 29, said on her official Facebook site.

  Tommy Chuck, program director at Florida radio station 93.3 WFLZ, told MTV.com that the station had been playing the single every hour on Monday.

  "The reaction has been great. Both on Facebook and Twitter, people are glad Britney's back; (they're) thanking us for playing the song, telling us how amazing she is, and all the air staff loved it. It's a solid single, and it'll be a big hit for her," Chuck said.

  Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton said enthusiastically that "we think it sounds like a smash!!!!!!!"

  Most fans seemed to agree. "I just died and went to music heaven!!!! Thanks britney!! It was time for this ur going to have the song of the year 2011 is yours baby!!!" said Fernando, in a comment on the singer's official website.

  Spears released her first album in 1999 and went on to become a worldwide phenomenon. She has since sold more than 100 million albums worldwide and was ranked by Forbes in 2010 as the sixth most powerful and influential celebrity in the world.