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  女演员娜塔莉-波曼最近可谓喜事连连,她主演的电影《黑天鹅》获得了影评的一片好评,同时也被寄予厚望在下月底斩获奥斯卡最佳女主角,同时,也因拍摄这部电影,娜塔莉与未婚夫——法国编舞师Benjamin Millepied相识,并于近日宣布了两人的婚讯,喜上加喜的是波曼已经怀有身孕,即将升格为人母。
  今天,由娜塔莉-波曼所代言的最新一季迪奥香水广告Miss Dior Cherie也正式披露,这也是她第一次接受化妆品广告的代言,光照中娜塔莉背部全裸,双手抚胸,回眸凝视,女人味十足,同时蝴蝶结式的发带又凸显出了俏皮可人的气质。


  As the face of Parfums Christian Dior, Natalie Portman is turning heads with a new ad for the Miss Dior Cherie fragrance. The Golden Globe-nominated star of Black Swan appears topless in the ad with her arms wrapped around her chest as she looks toward the camera.

  This is the first cosmetics endorsement deal for Portman, who wears nothing but a black bow in the photo. She recently confirmed that she's expecting a child with fiance Benjamin Millepied, the French choreographer who worked with her on Black Swan.

  While Portman will soon be a mommy, she's racking up the racy roles first. Coming off the psycho-sexual drama of Black Swan, she stars alongside Ashton Kutcher in the R-rated sex comedy No Strings Attached, which opens January 21.