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星座英语:The Story of Virgo 处女座的传说


处女座( 8月23日~9月22日)

She is the only daughter of World Mother and the god of grain, bright goddess of spring. As long as she gently tread where the blossoms are full of beautiful flowers.
泊瑟芬是一个纯洁的女神。 Persephone is a pure goddess她是人间的大地之母、谷物之神狄蜜特的独生女儿,是春天的灿烂女神,只要她轻轻踏过的地方,都会开满娇艳欲滴的花朵。

One day, Persephone was picking flowers in the valley with her companions. She was surprised to find a silver narcissus which she could not help picking. At the moment she picked it, the narcissus became a handson man with purple eyes and dressed in black. The man showed a thrilling smile and said: "goddess, since you break the spell. I would fulfill my pledge to marry you!" Persephone was rolled by a powerful force before she got understood.

 Persephone cried for help. her mother abandoned everything and went to everywhere to look for her. then World became a big mess. the seed will not germinate, fertile land can not bear  clusters of wheat, humanity faces a huge disaster. All this were soon passed to Zeus, he punished Haiti, who ciuld not fight against the magic of Zeus, but he was really in love with Persephone. he gave his aroma to Persephone and fell into sleep.

Persephone was rescued and spreaded the aroma of her flowers scattered on the earth. However, she can not forget Haiti. until winter, she finally went to Haiti to see him. At this time Haiti would miraculously wake up, until the spring. Year after year, this pure and beautiful maiden found that she was really in love with the ghost.

Therefore, Zeus made them meet every quarter of the year. Since then, the earth frosted in winter. and it was the time Persephone met Haiti. Zeus was so impressed with their love, he added a constellation Virgo to memorizing this.