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  24岁的罗伯特在去年的电影《记住我》和即将上映的《Bel Ami 》均有过些大尺度的演出,尽管如此,他还是表示,要和现实生活中的女友——20岁的克里斯汀-斯图尔特拍摄这场蜜月的亲密戏,的确不是件容易的事。“那简直太尴尬了。某种程度上来说,不管和谁拍都会让人脸红”,他还说:“最重要的是呈现的方式,但感觉还是太奇怪了。”不过,就连电影的导演在处理这场戏时也非常紧张,他告诉记者,“你不想让影迷失望,在传递小说中的某些情节时,可以自由发挥,但必须得抓住精髓所在。”

  Who knew it was possible for a vampire to be red in the face?

  Robert Pattinson had a good laugh after the first still from The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn was released Sunday, which features the actor in a tender embrace with real-life love Kristen Stewart。

  "I love how they release that for the first one," the blushing Brit chuckled at the Golden Globe Awards in Beverly Hills. "Just give it all away, you know?"

  So how would the 24-year-old actor describe the risque photo? "I think I'm sniffing," he jokes to MTV。

  Pattinson -- who filmed steamy sex scenes in 2010's Remember Me and the upcoming period drama Bel Ami -- says that despite his experience, shooting the honeymoon scene with Stewart, 20, wasn't easy。

  "It's always awkward, in a way, if you're doing it with anybody," Pattinson says. "It really depends on how it's staged and stuff. It's like doing Twister."

  The film's director, Bill Condon, was equally as nervous about capturing the scene's raw emotion。

  "You want to live up to people's expectations. People take [the movie and characters] personally," he told Entertainment Weekly. "When you are interpreting something, you have a certain vision of how it will be. Sometimes it is a liberal interpretation, but you hope you get to the essence of something."