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  With a combined age of 259, four British adventurers - Anthony Smith, 84, Don Russell, 61, David Hildred, 57, and Andrew Bainbridge, 57 - will launch a ten-week, 4,500-kilometer Atlantic crossing voyage powered only by a plastic raft. Sailing from the Canary Islands to the Bahamas, according to Smith, is to prove that elderly people can do something interesting.

  英国四位年龄总计259岁的探险家——84岁的安东尼 史密斯、61岁的唐 拉塞尔、57岁的戴维 希尔德雷德和57岁的安德鲁 贝恩布里奇将驾驶塑料筏开始为期10周、行驶里程达4500公里的横渡大西洋之旅。按史密斯的话说,从西班牙的加那利群岛行驶到巴哈马的意义在于证明老年人也能做些引人关注的事。

  Smith has been plotting his dream trip since 2005. After placing a advert appealing for fellow crew, he has spent the past few months gathering gas pipes, electronics, wood, and two telegraph poles to assemble a 11m-by-6m raft. There is also a wooden hut, 6x2 meters, where the crew will take turns to sleep on two bunk beds. Cooking and all-important communications will be also carried out there. There is even a library.


  The lights and electronics will be powered by four solar cells on top of the hut, a wind generator and a pedaling machine. Meanwhile, the crew will be sustained by 16 boxes of food, containing cornflakes, eggs, oranges and bananas. A small bread maker will add homely comfort to their ordeal. Drinking water will be carried in five pipes, each 5.5-meter long.


  "People ask me 'Am I frightened?' But I say I don't know enough to be frightened," Smith explains. "I don't know how we will get on, as we don't know each other very well. I don't know how tiring it will be, living on something that goes up and down all the time. I don't know what it will be like living on a bunk. Nobody knows what a storm will do to us, or how well we will be able to steer." Asked what treats he's brought along to keep the crew's spirits up, Smith's answer is simple. "Alcohol. Everyone's quite keen on a drink."


  A former science correspondent of The Daily Telegraph, Smith has written over 30 books and worked on several documentary projects. He presented Tomorrow's World when the BBC television show was in its infancy. In 1962 he led a pioneering expedition, The Sunday Telegraph Balloon Safari, over east Africa. The following year he became the first Briton to go over the Alps by hot air balloon.
