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情侣1年吵300次架 厨房为最佳"战地"


 There are the really big issues that divide couples ... and then there are the very, very small ones. And the latter don’t half add up. Minor irritations such as leaving wet towels on the bed, flicking between TV channels and hoarding bits and bobs cause most of the 312 arguments that the average couple has each year, researchers say. Those little annoying habits can become such a big problem that one in five Britons have even considered them a reason to split up – with a Thursday evening the most likely time for a row to develop.


  According to the researchers, women tend to become more frustrated with their partner’s habits than men. The most common complaints include loo roll not being replaced, lights that aren’t switched off, channel hopping and the lavatory seat being left up. But men aren’t immune to getting irritated either. They grit their teeth when their partner takes too long to get ready, clogs up the plughole with hair or nags them about chores. The statistics emerged in a study of 3,000 adults by www.betterbathrooms.com.


  Spokesman Nick Elson said: 'All couples argue but to see how much time they argue over simply things like household chores was a bit of an eye opener. It seems a lot of time to be wasting bickering however annoying habits can get.' The study found the kitchen is also a common battleground for arguments about cleanliness.Other habits that partners listed as annoying included leaving dirty cups around the house, hoarding stuff, flicking TV channels and leaving tissues all over the house. Eight out of ten people said they often found themselves cleaning up after their other half rather than continue to nag them. One in four credit their nagging with changing their partner's behaviour. A fifth of Brits have even considered splitting up with their partner over their annoying habits.

  发言人Nick Elson 说:“所有的情侣为鸡毛蒜皮琐事吵架的频率是令人吃惊的,相互不能忍受对方的生活习惯是主因。”在调查中,专家发现,厨房竟然是一个情侣们吵架最高的场所,因为对于清洁工作由谁干的事情是最适合吵架的了。此外,还有许多让男人和女人都不能忍受的事情,比如说:丢下脏咖啡杯不洗、不停转换电视频道、卫生纸随处乱丢等等等等。调查显示,有80%的人会因为不想继续争执而迅速改掉自己讨人厌的习惯,而有25%左右的人通过纠正对方的错误来结束战争,最后,有15%的英国人还是“忍无可忍”选择和对方分手。对,别过了,离了还是好朋友!