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"When I reached (Hushan), I could finally let my shoulders down and relax for the first time in a year and a half," Loken says.

The adventurer had spent nearly two years dealing with snakes, scorpions and wild dogs. He ran out of water in the Gobi Desert and nearly passed out in a blizzard in Central China. He broke his left big toe in Shanxi.

Loken was happy to return to his parents' home in Oslo, after an airline strike canceled his homecoming flight, postponing his return by a day.
完成旅途后,航班取消了他回家的班机,推迟了一天回家,但是Loken 很高兴回到奥斯陆(挪威首都)父母的家里。

"We were relieved and joyful at having him safely back home after 20 months," says his father, Tor Loken.
他的爸爸Tor Loken说,“经过20个月的分离,他终于能够平安的归来,我们都感到非常的欣慰和高兴。”

His mother, Jean Loken, adds: "So much could have gone wrong, but it went much better than we could have hoped for It's an incredible achievement for Robert, and we are very proud of him."
他的妈妈Jean Loken:“我们之前认为他的长城之旅的决定是不现实的,但是结果却比我们期望的要好很多。这是Robert Loken的一次惊人的成就,我们都为他感到非常的自豪。”

Loken says what he has done has not yet "sunk in", and he is looking forward to "processing" it while recuperating in his homeland.