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印度斗鸡野蛮拒赛 将主人割喉杀死


  Indian police of West Bengal are hunting for a killer rooster after the fighting bird slashed its owner's throat with razor blades attached to its legs for the cruel sport of cockfighting.


  Generally speaking, roosters are used to an hour-long break between bouts. However, witnesses said the dead,Singrai Soren,was forcing the rooster to fight again after just a small time, after it has completed another flight. "The rooster tried to get away from the ring several times, but Soren pushed it into the ring repeatedly. This upset it and it attacked Soren," added the witness.

  一般说来,两场搏斗中都会让斗鸡休息一个小时,但是一位目击者称,死者Singrai Soren每隔一会就把他的斗鸡赶上场。目击者补充说:“搏斗时斗鸡曾几次试图离场,但都被Soren撵回去,最后被惹急了,便向Soren展开了攻击”。

  Subsequently, the police have warned the inhabitants in the town to be careful when they see the "killer" rooster. The rooster's identity is unknown now but the police indicated that it has black and red feathers. The police warned that no one should try to approach and catch the rooster because it can be dangerous.
