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英国八旬老太威武 用拐杖击退入室贼


  According to the Daily Mail on January 19, a plucky 84-year-old woman in Hampshire, UK with her daughter, 59, drove a burglar who broke into her house by repeatedly hitting him with a walking stick.


  Frail Doris Thiele refused to be intimidated when she caught serial burglar Leon Ingram, 34, searching the house at 3am she shares with her daughter Helen.

  福莱尔 朵瑞斯 赛艾莱在凌晨三点钟发现34岁的惯贼雷奥纳 艾伊格雷在她和女儿共同居住的家里搜寻贵重物品,当时她毫无畏惧之心。

  The two women grabbed burly Ingram in a head lock to stop him getting away. Doris then grabbed her late husband's walking stick, which was hanging over the banister, and struck Ingram several times as he wrestled with her daughter.


  Ingram, who is a towering about 1.83m, struggled to break free during the tussle. In the end, he was so desperate to escape the two women,cutting his head in the process by the glass door.


  Police arrived minutes later and followed the trail of blood to a nearby flat, where Ingram was arrested.


  'It should send a message to other would-be burglars that pensioners are not a soft touch. If someone comes onto your property you should be able to fight them off in any way you want," said Doris.
