史上最差劲名人揭晓 赛勒斯获殊荣
Miley Cyrus has been voted the worst celebrity role model for young girls in a new poll of teenage girls themselves. The 18-year-old singer and actress has topped the list for the second year in a row due to her scandalous behaviour over the past 12 months. Miley beat out competition from Lindsay Lohan and Demi Lovato - despite both of them entering rehab in 2010. Although not illegal it is listed as a 'drug of concern' by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency. The survey was conducted by AOL website Just So You Know and was voted on by their core audience of girls aged between nine and 15. Miley received more than 58 per cent of the 99,000 votes. Also in the top 10 celebrity with the worst influence were Teen Mom star Amber Portwood, rapper Kanye West and Gossip Girl actor Chace Crawford, who was arrested for marijuana possession. Despite other celebrities her age also acting out, like Gossip Girl Taylor Momsen, Miley made her fortune through her younger fans so is thought to be held to a higher standard.
90后迪士尼18岁当红小天后麦莉·赛勒斯在一次票选活动中被评选为“最差劲名人”,这是继08年的艳照风波、以及涉及‘种族歧视’的照片曝光以后,这位18岁的迪士尼人气女星第二次上榜,成功打败人气直下滑的林赛·罗韩以及黛米·洛瓦托,名列最差劲名人榜榜首。据悉,这次由美国在线网站牵头的评选活动为了保证榜单的“公平性”,号召了该频道9到15岁的年轻女孩参与评选,在共计9万9千张选票中,小天后麦莉·赛勒斯凭借2010年的“丑闻优势”成功获得58%的选票,据悉,在这个榜单中,还不乏有很多“熟悉的面孔”,比如:年轻妈妈级女性Amber Portwood、说唱歌手Kanye West 以及《绯闻女孩》男演员 Chace Crawford(因吸食大麻被抓)。
Seemingly desperate to shed her good girl image, Miley has been pictured wearing scandalous outfits, dancing provocatively in nightclubs and drinking alcohol abroad despite the legal age in the U.S. being 21 and driving while talking on her cell phone which is illegal. On her 18th birthday in November, Miley was seen engaging in some very adult behaviour with her boyfriend Aran Jogia, 18. She was pictured sprawled over the bar of Hollywood club Trousdale while Jogia was straddled on top of her kissing her neck. Miley has also been caught publicly kissing ex-boyfriend Liam Hemsworth and has been linked to several other boys including Nick Jonas.
小天后麦莉·赛勒斯这次“荣登”最差劲名人榜榜单是因为她最近被拍摄的一张“艳照”彻底颠覆了她“好女孩”的形象,在照片中,小天后麦莉·赛勒斯在夜店中身穿一件“颇有争议”的黑礼服、边饮酒边跳舞的形象让众人哗然,因为根据没有法律,21岁以下饮酒属于非法行为。此外,她还被拍到边开车边用手机打电话(这也是美国法律不允许的),就在小天后麦莉·赛勒斯18岁的生日派对上,她与男友Aran Jogia的“酒后亲密亲吻”行为被狗仔记录下来,照片中麦莉卷缩在男友怀中,两人不顾旁人激吻的样子让喜欢小天后的粉丝们伤心怀了。
Tim Winters told U.S. website TMZ. 'It sends messages to her fan base that are diametrically opposed to everything she has done up to this point.'Miley built her fame and fortune entirely on the backs of young girls, and it saddens us that she seems so eager to distance herself from that fan base so rapidly.' The actress is currently filming her latest movie So Undercover in New Orleans. The action comedy is based in a sorority house and co-stars Entourage's Jeremy Piven.
Tim Winters 告诉美国网站TMZ说道:“麦莉·赛勒斯这次当选最差劲名人也算是给那些被她伤透心的粉丝们一个交代,因为麦莉·赛勒斯迄今成功的光环都是那些追随她的年轻小女孩粉丝们给予的,麦莉·赛勒斯那些丑闻使得她与支持她的粉丝们的距离越来越远,叛逆的形象不仅毁坏了麦莉·赛勒斯的星途,而且也会让她在事业上的所有努力功亏一篑。”
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