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世界最长寿老人今日离世 享年114岁又195天


A Texas woman said to be the world's oldest person has died at 114 years and 195 days.

Eunice Sanborn, of Jacksonville, died at her home, Patricia Ellis of Boren-Conner Funeral Home of Jacksonville said.
Eunice Sanborn女士来自德克萨斯州的杰克逊维尔市,Boren-Conner Funeral Home的工作者Patricia Ellis告诉大家,她是死于自己家中。

The Los Angeles-based Gerontology Research Group listed Ms Sanborn as the world's oldest person, based on data from the 1900 census. Robert Young of the group said the title now passed to 114-year-old Besse Cooper of Georgia, who is 114 years and five months old.
基地坐落在美国洛杉矶的“老人医学研究组织”此前将Sanborn女士列为世界上最长寿的人,这是基于1900年时的人口调查数据。小组成员Robert Young说,如今这个头衔将转交给来自乔治亚州的Besse Cooper,目前她的年龄是114岁又五个月。


如今还活着的最长寿之人就是文中提到的Besse Cooper女士,她出生于1896年8月26日,至今是114岁又159天。

而还活着的最长寿的男人是Walter Breuning,他也是美国人,目前是114岁又133天。