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The first step to being a successful manager by admitting you don’t have all the answers. Your co-workers know that you can’t solve all the problems by yourself, so they will be watching to see what you do.

Top management at your company also knows you won’t have the answers and are looking to see how you find them. Be yourself and remember that your failures will be forgiven if you are honest and tried to do the right thing.

- Stay focused. Your job is to manage the department, not become friends with your employees or do their jobs if they can’t. Make sure you have a clear job description and then sit down with your supervisor and find out exactly what expectations he or she has for you.

Go through the job description line by line. Prioritize the tasks and find out what any vague wording exactly means. Then it is the time to ask questions and to point out any tasks that you feel aren’t under your control.