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英国一中学安装112个监控 酷似监狱


  Stoke Park School in Coventry, UK, spent £10,000 ($16,058) installing the CCTV, which gives it an average of one camera to every ten students.


  They say the cameras - 33 outside and 79 inside the buildings - are to combat a spate of break-ins and thefts.

  But some parents and civil rights groups believe the move is "totally over the top" and are demanding the devices are taken down.



  Father-of-two Dan Austin, 40, said: "It's ridiculous to have so many cameras and totally unnecessary. All parents want their children to be safe at school but this is over the top. It's like sending your kids to a high-security prison. I don't like the idea that children are being monitored so closely - it instills a dangerous lesson that no one is trustworthy."

  今年四十岁的丹 奥斯丁是两个孩子的父亲,他说:“学校安装这么多相机监控十分荒谬可笑,而且根本没有必要。虽然所有父母都希望孩子的学校足够安全,但这种做法太过了,感觉好像是将孩子送到了一所戒备森严的高级监狱。我不喜欢孩子被这样严密监控,这会给孩子一种危险的错觉:没人值得信任。”

  Daniel Hamilton, of civil rights campaign group Big Brother Watch, said: "Any right-thinking person would conclude that Stoke Park's snooping is completely over the top. Wouldn't the school be better off spending the money on educating its pupils, rather than spying on them?"

  民权组织 "Big Brother Watch" 的丹尼尔 汉密尔顿表示:“任何有理智的人都会认为这种监视行为言过其实。难道学校不该把钱花在如何教育好孩子身上,而不是用来监视他们吗?”