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对眼负鼠继任保罗 预测奥斯卡影后


  A cross-eyedopossum called Heidi, who has filled the void left by psychic Paul the Octopus, has predicted that Natalie Portman will walk away with this year's Best Actress Oscar.

  对眼负鼠海蒂近日预测,娜塔莉 波特曼将摘走本届奥斯卡影后的桂冠。海蒂被认为是神算章鱼保罗的继任者。

  Heidi appeared via videolink from her zoo in Leipzig, Germany, on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!", the US television show, to "select" her favoured candidate.

  在美国电视节目“吉米 基梅尔聊天秀”中,德国莱比锡动物园的对眼负鼠海蒂通过视频连线预测了奥斯卡评选结果。

  A cross-eyed picture of each actress in the category – Portman, Annette Bening, Nicole Kidman, Jennifer Lawrence and Michelle Williams – was taped to an Oscar statuette. Whichever statue Heidi touched with her paw first signified the winner.

  获得最佳女主角提名的几位女星的“对眼”头像被分别贴在“小金人”上,包括波特曼、安妮特 贝宁、妮可 基德曼、詹妮弗 劳伦斯和米歇尔 威廉姆斯。海蒂首先用爪触碰的小金人就是它预测的该奖项得主。

  She took a long time deliberating over Kidman, nominated for her role in Rabbit Hole, and Lawrence, who stars in Winter's Bone, before eventually choosing Portman, widely considered the favourite for this weekend's award ceremony.


  Heidi is thought to be two and a half years old, and was abandoned outside an animal shelter in North Carolina in the United States, together with her sister Naira, and has been at Leipzig Zoo since May.


  Her popularity is reminiscent of Paul the Octopus, who achieved global fame for correctly "predicting" the outcome of matches in last year's football World Cup. Paul died from natural causes in October.


  Paul is to be honoured with a six foot statue on top of a football, however, in the middle of which will be a see-throughwindow with the golden urn containing Paul's ashes.
