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职场英语:放开手去创业 别担心死不了的

3. Cindi tells me she has no worries about going back and working for the restaurant. Not only was the money insanely great and she liked her job, she only quit her job at the restaurant because Joe Acme told her to.
Cindi告诉我说,如果不行回去餐厅打工也没关系。在那家餐厅打工不光工资高而且其实她也很喜欢那份工作。当初辞职只是因为Joe Acme作为老板要求她。

4. The money at Acme stinks. Pretty much everybody who works there is broke by month’s end. Which makes it hard to stand up to Joe Acme when he’s having a bad day or having a bad idea. She was making plenty of money and still doing her job at Acme before Joe made her quit the restaurant. And since she had to give up that job, she feels a lot more powerless than she used to—without any increase in revenue. Just the opposite, in fact.
Acme的工资少得可怜。几乎公司的每个人都是“月光族”。手里没积蓄,Joe Acme发脾气或者想出什么馊主意的时候,大家都没底气反对他。在Joe要求她辞掉餐厅的工作之前,CIndi一边在Acme上班一边在餐厅赚着大笔工资。辞掉餐厅那份工之后,她不像以前那样充满力量感了,工资不涨,花的越来越多。

5. Cindi doesn’t mind the idea of going back to the restaurant. I tell her to do it. At the very least, she can save some money that way. A young woman with an extra ten or twenty thousand in her pocket has a lot more room to maneuver than a girl who’s broke at the end of every month.

So a simple game plan emerges: She goes and gets her old restaurant job back, she moves back in with mom to save money, she quits her job at Acme, and then she works in the mornings and afternoons for her new design clients, since her restaurant shift begins at five p.m.

When she gets off work she goes straight back home—she doesn’t bother with the after-hours thing with the guys and the gals at the restaurant. No late-night booze, drugs, and club sessions for this girl. No, she’s on a mission. Her colleagues at the restaurant, sadly, are not. They’re too busy being young, fun, and too coked-up to tie their shoelaces, let alone do something interesting in the long-term.