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英国年轻人热捧社交电视 边看边评论

  Last month, the U.S. HBO channel re-ran the Howard Stern film "Private Parts" with Stern simultaneously providing live commentary, which resulted in ratings far higher than could have been forecast for a 14-year-old movie.

  上月,美国HBO频道重播根据霍华德 斯特恩的自传改编的电影《隐私部分》时,斯特恩同步发表评论,使这部14年前的老电影收视率远超预期。

  Now second screening, as it is referred to in the United States, has become commonplace in Britain too.


  "The audience have already taken their seats and are ready to join the conversation," James said. "It's now up to the TV companies to tap into this huge and lucrative market."


  One of the key findings of the study was that Social TV is popular because it allows young people to instantly comment on their favorite shows to friends in different locations via the web or mobile phones.


  Survey respondent and 20-year-old student Ashleigh Foulser said he loves being able to keep in touch this way with his friends while he is away from home at college.


  The British survey discovered that the most common way to communicate is to use Twitter (72 percent), followed by Facebook (56 percent) and mobile applications (34 percent), while 62 percent of Social TV users like a combination of all three.
