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日本本州岛海域7.3级强震 引发小型海啸


A major 7.3-magnitude offshore earthquake rattled Japan on Wednesday, swaying Tokyo buildings, triggering a small tsunami and reminding the nation of the ever-present threat of seismic disaster.

Police reported no casualties or property damage, and operators of nuclear power plants and Shinkansen bullet trains quickly gave the all-clear, while the wave hitting the Pacific coast measured just 60cm.

The tremor struck in the late morning about 160km offshore and 430km northeast of Tokyo, at a shallow depth of 10km below the Pacific sea floor, authorities said.

In greater Tokyo - the world's most populous urban area with more than 30 million people - the earthquake and a succession of tremors that quickly followed were uncomfortably felt as they shook buildings.
在greater Tokyo(日本首都圈)——世界人口最稠密的市区,有超过3000万人口——地震以及紧接着的一系列余震带来了让人不适的房屋震动。

Television channels immediately cancelled their programming to transmit information on the quake and a coastal tsunami advisory.

It soon became clear the quake had left Japan unscathed, but it was yet another uncomfortable reminder that the threat of "the Big One" is a reality of daily life.