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空气污染竟是心脏病元凶 白领难逃脱


  The main trigger for a heart attack is not vigorous exercise or stress — it’s air pollution, according to a study published in The Lancet this month. Researchers found spending time in traffic, whether as a driver or pedestrian, tops the list of ‘last straw’ risk factors that bring on a heart attack.

  Jon Ayres, professor of environmental and respiratory medicine at the University of Birmingham, says: Air pollution is not only linked to strokes, heart attacks and cancer — it has a profound effect on those with existing respiratory conditions. Asthmatics are more likely to have an asthma attack on days when pollution is high. So how can you minimise the damage? We asked the experts for their tips on breathing easy.

  来自伯明翰大学的教授Jon Ayres说:“大气污染不仅对中风、心脏病以及癌症有着直接的影响,而且环境污染对人体的呼吸系统有着巨大的负面作用。此外,在大气污染情况严重的时候,哮喘病的发作频率是相当高的。”怎样才能降低空气污染对我们身体造成的伤害呢?在办公室内的污浊空气也会对我们身体造成巨大伤害,我们该怎样保护自己呢?


  走路靠边 别靠路边

  A study found that someone walking down Marylebone Road in London would breathe in the equivalent pollution of one cigarette in just 48 minutes. To reduce your exposure, avoid main roads. These have the highest number of vehicles and also more traffic jams — idle vehicles emit denser fumes — and more buses, which tend to run on diesel. Diesel engines emit ultra-fine particles that reach the lungs most easily. Choose side streets, pedestrianised roads, parks and routes lined with trees. Fan Chung, professor of respiratory medicine at Imperial College London, says: ‘I would also avoid tunnels and “street canyons”, where tall buildings line the street and create valleys where particles build up.’

  有一则研究报告显示,如果在伦敦Marylebone 路上行走,民众呼吸的污染物的量大约等于吸烟48分钟造成的效果。为了减轻道路污染对我们身体造成的损害,专家建议,我们避免在主路上行走,这样避免与主路上车辆释放出的尾气直接接触。此外,专家还警告,柴油发动机释放的超细粒子污染物相对别的污染物而言更能接触我们的肺。走路尽量别靠车辆行驶的位置,离得越远越好。



  We spend 90 per cent of our time inside, but studies by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have found that pollution levels can be two to five times higher indoors than outside. Don't jog in traffic: Jogging while inhaling polluted hair increases the stress on runners' heart Cleaning products, air fresheners and objects such as synthetic carpets, TV screens and MDF can emit chemicals called volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which have been linked to diseases such as cancer. Researchers at Curtin University in Perth, Australia, found an increase in asthma risk among children under three who had high VOC levels in their homes.

  来自美国环境保护署(略作EPA)的专家经过分析警告称,我们有90%的时间在室内生活,在所居住的屋内保持干净和卫生、在所待的办公室尽量做到整洁对我们的心肺也很重要。因为,室内污染相对室外污染而言,对我们造成的伤害要达到2到5倍,十分吓人。空气清新机、以及室内植物的使用可以保持屋内的气流循环。而且专家还警告,合成地毯、电视屏幕以及中密度纤维板等装修器材对身体的伤害巨大,它们释放出的挥发性有机化合物(Volatile Organic Compounds)-----环境监测中以氢焰离子检测器测出的非甲烷烃类物质的总称,其中包括含氧烃类、含卤烃类,广义场合包括甲烷、丙烷、氯烃、氟.