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Shanghai People Sleep Better Than EXpected

SHANGHAI, March 18, 2011 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- With busy lives at odds with increasing health consciousness, a good night’s sleep may have become an endangered species. March 21st IS World Sleep Day, so Touchmedia,China’s largest in-taxi interactive media company, conducted the first in-taxi sleep survey in February. With input from 109,654 passengers who completed the in-taxi interactive screen questionnaire, results show that people are generally sleeping better than expected.

Over Half the Passengers Sleep Long and Well

At least half the passengers (52.2%) sleep 7-10 hours every night. But surprisingly, more than 1 in 10 people sleep over 10 hours (11.8%). By contrast, 7.6% sleep less than 3 hours per night.

How quickly do you fall asleep? “Within 15 minutes,” say 64.6% of passengers. Of these 23.7 % can fall asleep in less than 5 minutes. An unfortunate 1 in 8 (12.3 %) take more than 60 minutes.

Sleep quality aLSo varies. Almost half (43.5%), "Sleep very deeply, never waking up in the middle of the night," which seems amazing in a husTLe bustle city like Shanghai. A further third (31.5%), "Wake up sometimes, but fall asleep again very soon". By comparison, 1 in 8 passengers (12.6%) say they don’t sleep well, usually lightly and they are quite easily woken. The remaining 12.4% suffer even more, not only are they easily woken, but they find it very difficult to get back to sleep.

White Collars Enjoy Nightlife and Daytime Activities Affect Sleep

When asked “When do you usually go to bed”, 25.9% say before 10 pm, while 15.9% between 10 pm to 11pm. Over half the passengers (58.2%) don’t go to bed till after 11pm, and for some it is even after 3am (7.5%).

The top factor affecting sleep quality is the “events of the day” (31.7%), followed in a tie by “environment” (29.8%) and “too excited or too worried before going to bed” (29.8%). Ranking equal fourth were “bed, pillow and quilt” complaints and “a very strenuous day,” both at 18.5%. “Drinking Tea or Coffee or Eating” before going to bed came last with 13.0%.

The most popular sleeping aides are music and books before bedtime (25.6%), a drink of milk (17.0%) and taking a shower (16.1%). Only 6.6 % ever use sleeping pills and 50.2% of the passengers say they use nothing at all.

Noted Micky Fung, Founder and Chairman of Touchmedia, “One of our principles is to contribute part of our media resources to programs designed to benefit society and the public. We hope that, as well as being interesting and entertaining, people see this information as useful. Sleep is important and will help your health and lifestyle.”

About Touchmedia

Touchmedia was founded in 2003, by its Chairman, Micky Fung, to develop state-of-the-art toucHScreen media technology in China. It is the largest in-taxi interactive media company, delivering innovative digital media solutions for clients and the out-of-home advertising industry in China, at a time when reaching affluent consumers on traditional media is increasingly challenging.