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谷歌员工网上晒网速 羡煞旁人

For those of us who live in parts of the world where high speed Internet is still a luxury, there’s a massive amount of jealousy that happens when we see huge numbers. In a thread over on Reddit where members of Google’s Chrome team are answering questions, we’ve just gotten a peek at Google’s Internet connection: 我们中的大部分人还挣扎在蜗牛一般的网速温饱线上,所以对高速上网什么的很是眼红啊!近日Google的三位员工在Reddit网站上回答问题时,显摆了一回google公司的网速,如下图:

Now, let’s put these numbers into perspective. According to Ookla’s Net Index, the average speed for a country in Europe is around 12 Mb/second. For the US, it’s around 10. 好,对比一下,欧洲国家的平均网速一般是12 Mb/s,美国是10 Mb/s。

What does that equate to in “real world” numbers? As the thread’s authors posted, here is a screenshot of them downloading the video game Rift: 于是再来看看他们下载游戏时候的网速:

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that’s 32 megabytes per second. To break that down even further, a typical HD rip of a movie, running 4 gigabytes, would be downloaded in full in around 2 minutes. 看到木有,那是每秒32兆啊!那就是说一部4G的电影,两分钟就下载完了!