4 设定合理的惩罚可以起到效果。所有孩子都是不同的,以惩罚为基础,一个孩子可能很快就改正,而另一个孩子则需要减少他的零花钱才能改正。避免把做家务活当成一种惩罚。作为家庭中的一员,孩子应该无义务做家务活。
5 Reward your child's good behavior. Positive reinforcement of carries a strong message to your child. Children who receive praise for good acts try harder to behave.
5 奖励孩子的良好行为。正强化作用会给孩子带来好的影响。那些因表现良好而受到表扬的孩子会更加努力争取更好表现。
6 Schedule your child's time to help her develop responsibility. Children who misbehave often have too much idle time on their hands. Until your child can behave appropriately by herself, reduce her free time and fill her hours with activities, sports, errands or study work.
6 安排孩子的时间帮助她培养责任感。行为不当的孩子经常由于手头有太多空闲的时间。直到孩子表现良好,才能减少她的空闲时间,让她把时间花在活动、体育运动、跑跑腿或学习工作上。
7 Visit your pediatrician if you think your child's unruly behavior stems from a psychological problem. Children with Attention Deficit Disorder and other behavioral conditions may need medication or diet changes to help them function responsibly.
7 如果你觉得你孩子的任性行为是由心理问题所致,就去看儿科医生。患有注意力缺损症或其他行为问题的儿童需要药物或饮食结构的变化帮助他们治愈。
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