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Japanese authorities have raised the measure of severity of their nuclear crisis to the highest level, officials say.


The decision was taken due to radiation measured at the damaged Fukushima Daiichi power plant, NHK reported.


The highest level for nuclear accidents (seven) had previously only applied to the Chernobyl disaster in 1986.


"This is a preliminary assessment, and is subject to finalisation by the International Atomic Energy Agency," said an official at the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA), the government's nuclear watchdog, which made the announcement with the Nuclear Safety Commission.

日本原子能安全保安院的一位官员说:“这只是初步估计,还要等待国际原子能机构的最终确认。” 日本原子能安全保安院是日本政府的原子能监察机构,当天与日本原子能安全委员会联合发布了上述消息。

The severity level of Japan's nuclear crisis has so far been set at five, the same as that of the accident at Three Mile Island in the US in 1979.


Japan has also said it is extending the evacuation zone around the crippled nuclear plant because of radiation concerns. The zone will be widened to encompass five communities beyond the existing 20-km (12-mile) radius.


On Monday, a 7.1-magnitude quake hit north-east Japan, leaving three people dead. It also triggered a brief tsunami warning, and forced workers to evacuate the Fukushima Daiichi plant.


On Tuesday a 6.3-magnitude earthquake was reported off eastern Japan. The quake rocked buildings in the capital, Tokyo. There were no immediate reports of fresh damage, though Japan's Narita international airport temporarily closed its runways, and metro and train services were interrupted.


Tokyo Electric Power Co (Tepco) said on Tuesday that a fire had broken out briefly at Reactor 4, before being extinguished.


Officials have warned it will be several months before the situation at the nuclear facility is brought fully under control.
