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每天喝4杯咖啡的女性 尿失禁的风险更大


Women who drink at least four caffeine drinks a day are more likely to develop frequent problems with bladder control.

A new study of 65,000 American women found that those with the highest caffeine intake - equivalent to four or more cups of coffee or ten cans of soda a day - were more likely to develop urinary incontinence over four years.

The study found no increased risk among women consuming about three cups of coffee or less per day.

In the most highly caffeine group, caffeine was particularly related to urge incontinence, a type where leakage happens after a sudden, strong urge to urinate.

The findings were reported in the Journal of Urology.

Dr. Mary K. Townsend, one of the researchers on the work, said: 'We only observed an increased risk of urinary incontinence among women with the highest intakes of caffeine.'
这项工作的一个研究人员Mary K. Townsend博士称:“我们只观察那些高咖啡因摄入量的女性增加患尿失禁的风险。”

She said it is too early to give women specific advice on caffeine intake, adding that more studies are needed to confirm the current results, Reuters reports.

Mrs Townsend, of Harvard Medical School in Boston, said women who already have urinary incontinence are commonly told to limit their caffeine intake.
波士顿哈佛医学院的Mrs Townsend说,患有尿失禁的女性一般都要限制她们的咖啡因摄入量。

She said: 'Our study suggests that avoiding higher caffeine intake might also be useful advice for women who do not have urinary incontinence, but are concerned about developing it.'

She said caffeine might promote incontinence because it is a diuretic - it promotes flushing of water from the body - and people who already have an overactive bladder may be more susceptible to those effects.

There's also evidence, she said, that even low doses of caffeine can speed muscle contractions in the bladder.

Urinary incontinence is about twice as common in women than men, and its likelihood rises with age. One large U.S. study found that almost one-quarter of women in their 60s and 70s said they had urine leakage at least once a month; the rate rose to one-third among women in their 80s.

Risk factors for urinary incontinence include obesity and past pregnancies with vaginal births.
