对于白领来说,每天早晨一杯咖啡已经成为很多人雷打不动的一个习惯,为了让这个习惯变得更完美,发明家发明了一种神奇的金属豆,这种名叫“Coffee Joulies”在以3倍速度加快降低咖啡(滚烫、刚冲好咖啡)的温度后,可以让咖啡在长达5小时内保持最理想的温度,使您在饮用咖啡的时候不再担忧咖啡凉得快了。
They work by absorbing extra thermal energy in the drink when it's too hot, and then releasing that stored energy back into the drink to keep it at an optimum temperature as it begins to cool down. While this might seem to go against the laws of thermodynamics, Coffee Joulies contain a 'special non-toxic material' sealed within the beans' stainless steel shells. A spokesman said: 'This material is designed to melt at 140 degrees Fahrenheit, and absorbs a lot of energy as it melts. This is how Joulies cool your coffee down three times faster than normal. 'Once it reaches this temperature, the special material begins to solidify again, releasing the energy it stored when it melted. This is how Joulies keep your coffee warm twice as long.' Using Coffee Joulies couldn't be simpler; all you have to do is add a few to your drink as soon as it's poured.
And you don't have to be a coffee lover to get the most out of the beans - they work in any hot drink, be it tea, hot chocolate or milk. Unfortunately, the beans - which are due to shortly go on sale in the U.S. with a retail price of $50 for a bag - only work at their best when the cup is insulated with a lid. Place them in a standard kitchen mug and Coffee Joulies will keep your drink in the optimum temperature range for only a few minutes longer than usual. In a thermos flask, however, then the beans should keep your coffee at the perfect temperature for up to five hours. But don't forget to make more coffee than usual - the beans take up 15 per cent of the volume of your mug or flask.
据悉,这种金属豆被称之为“咖啡金属豆”,能够将咖啡温度快速降至可饮用的程度,而它的速度是正常冷却情况下的3倍,而后长时间(可达5小时)保持这一温度。它一方面又释放储存的热量,另一方面让咖啡保持最理想的温度。 据悉,咖啡豆采用“无毒金属材料”用不锈钢材料包裹着咖啡豆应用而成,其工作方式似乎违背热力学定律。研制小组的专家表示:“这种材料在温度达到140华氏度时熔化,金属外壳是可溶的,溶解的时候会吸收大量的能力。这也就是咖啡豆冷却咖啡的速度可达到正常情况下的3倍的原因。一旦温度降至一定程度,这种特殊材料便开始凝固,释放熔化时储存的能量。”咖啡豆的使用要比它们的工作原理简单得多,你需要做的就是将它们倒入咖啡中就可以了。这种咖啡豆也可以满足不是“咖啡控”的人们,因为除了用于咖啡的冷却和保温外,这种金属豆也可用于其他任何热饮,比如:茶水、热巧克力或者牛奶等。据悉,这种可保温的咖啡豆很快就会登录美国市场,只是价格却不便宜,据悉,每包金属咖啡豆的零售价为50美元。 必须要提醒的是,这种金属豆只有在“带盖子”的杯子中才能达到保温5小时的效果。如果使用普通的厨房用杯,咖啡豆让饮品保持理想温度的时间只比正常情况下长几分钟。在保温杯中,这种金属豆可让咖啡在长达5小时内保持理想温度。咖啡豆的体积可达到杯子的15%,因此,倒咖啡时别忘了多倒一点。
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