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地中海近日发生多起船难 多名难民丧命

REFUGEES from Libya who arrived in Italy today said they saw another boat laden with fellow refugees capsize just off Libyan shores and "many bodies" were in the water, Italian news agency ANSA reported. 意大利安莎通讯社报道,今天到达意大利的难民说,他们在来的路上看到了一艘满载难民的船只在利比亚海岸沉没,“很多尸体”飘在水面上。

"They were in front of us, not far from the shore, when the overcrowded boat capsized," one refugee was quoted as saying of the incident on Friday after landing in Lampedusa. “他们就在我们的前面,当那艘超载船只倾覆的时候,他们离海岸并不远,”一名刚刚到蓝佩杜萨岛(意大利属)的难民描述说。

ANSA said "dozens of migrants are believed dead", while others managed to swim to the shore. 意大利安莎通讯社报道“相信此次船难中有不少人都丧失了他们的生命,”而其他活着的人则打算游到岸上去。

Italian newspapers earlier reported that a boat carrying 600 refugees sank near Tripoli. 意大利报纸早前报道了一艘装载有600多名难民的船只在利比亚附近沉没。

"They said they had finally found a boat to go to Italy... They were all happy and smiling, there were a lot of children among them too. But their boat sank. Their dream sank," Bishop Martinelli was quoted as saying. “他们终于找到了一艘来意大利的船... 他们都很高兴,船上还有不少儿童。但是他们的船沉了,连同他们的梦也破灭了,”Martinelli主教说。

Some 150 refugees fleeing Libya are believed to have died last month after their boat capsized in stormy weather in the middle of the Mediterranean. 上个月在地中海强风暴天气中发生的一次船难导致了150名难民的死亡。

Italian coast guards earlier today rescued all 528 passengers from a boat that ran aground as it was approaching the port of Lampedusa in the night. 意大利海岸警卫队员今天早前从一艘在兰佩杜萨岛附近搁浅的难民船上救下了船上所有的528名乘客。