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戴妃车祸纪录片引争议 将在戛纳上映


  "Our film is not being shown in the UK and the traileris only viewable in the UK on the official movie website. We are therefore not publishing anything that the rest of the world has not already seen elsewhere."


  But friends of the princess, whose death marked a low point in the British monarchy's popularity with the public, reacted angrily.


  "If this is true this is absolutely disgusting," said Rosa Monckton, who went on holiday with Diana a few weeks before she died.

  罗莎 蒙克顿说:“如果这是真的,那实在太可恶了。”她在戴妃死前几周曾和戴妃去度假。

  "The fact people are trying to make money -- which is all that they are doing now -- out of her death is quite frankly ... words fail me," she told Britain's Daily Mail newspaper on Tuesday.
