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  Celebrities who bombard fans with Twitter updates are likely to have shorter careers than those who maintain an aura of mystique, according to a survey.


  Easy access to stars through social networking websites has made them less appealing and increases the likelihood of followers getting bored, music consumer research by publishers Bauer Media said.


  "In this social media age, it's all too easy to follow your musical icons on a minute-by-minute basis. There's a consensuswithin the industry that this ease of access is leading to artists losing appeal more quickly," the report said.


  The music industry is starting to consider restricting access to certain types of artists in an attempt to boost their staying powerin popular culture and lengthen their careers, it added.


  Although younger fans surveyed said they were thrilled by the idea of 24-hour access to their favourite stars, older respondents said their interest was temperedby a hankeringfor the days when stars were "more special."


  "Meeting bands isn't about waiting for 10 hours outside a gigthese days -- you can buy a day out with your favourite band. But separation can be good -- knowing too much can kill off rock stars," said Nichola Browne, former editor of music magazine Kerrang!

  曾担任过音乐杂志《Kerrang!》编辑的尼古拉 布朗尼说:“如今和乐队见面不需要在演唱会门外等上个十小时,你只要花些钱就能和自己最喜欢的乐队共度一天。但是分离是有好处的,知道得太多会毁掉摇滚歌星的前途。”

  Many celebrities have embraced Twitter as a way of communicating day-to-day musings as well promotional material with fans.


  Tweets on US singer Katy Perry's page include: "What does it mean when you see the number 33 all the time? For instance, I've seen it over 7 times today."

  这是美国歌星凯蒂 佩瑞在自己的Twitter页面上发布的信息:“如果你总是看到数字33,这意味着什么呢?要知道,我今天已经不止7次看到这一数字了。”

  While US actress Demi Moore, one of Twitter's most prolificcelebrity users with over 3.5 million followers, wrote on Friday: "Kind of diggingsoft curls with a side part. A good change from straight with a middle part?"

  美国女演员黛米 摩尔是Twitter最多产的名人用户之一,拥有350多万粉丝。她上周五在Twitter上写道:“有点想弄个带卷的偏分头。也许比中分的直发要好?”