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  Next, the participants read an article about blood donations. Some were given an article saying blood donations were "at record highs" and the need was low; others read another article reporting the opposite – that donations were "at record lows" and the need was high. All were then offered a pamphlet guaranteeing fast registration at a blood center that day and told they should only take a pamphlet if they intended to donate.


  People who thought about death in the abstract were more likely to take a pamphlet if they read the article about a blood shortage. But people who thought about their own death were likely to take a pamphlet regardless of which article they read — their willingness to donate blood didn't seem to depend on how badly it was needed.


  When people think about their demise abstractly, they may be more likely to fear death, while thinking specifically about your own death "enables people to integrate the idea of death into their lives more fully," Blackie said. Thinking about their mortality in a more personal and authentic manner may make them think more about what they value in life.


  The findings will be detailed in an upcoming issue of the journal Psychological Science.
