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Nick Cammarata and David Merfield are working on OPEN, a project that aims to flip the industrial-scale classroom experience. OPEN is a tool used by teachers to create and share online lessons designed to be viewed at home by their own students, leaving class time free for more engaging activities.
Nick Cammarata和David Merfield致力于研发网上学习,学生们可以在家通过电脑上课,传统的教室则可以用来开展更多有趣的活动。

Andrew Hsu started doing research in a pathology lab when he was 10. By the time he was 12, he had matriculated at the University of Washington. Soon after, he graduated with honors degrees in neurobiology, biochemistry, and chemistry. He was a 19-year-old 4th-year neuroscience Ph.D. candidate at Stanford University when he left early this year to pursue his start-up, Airy Labs.
Andrew Hsu10岁就开始在一个病理学实验室做实验,12岁被华盛顿大学录取,很快获得神经生物学生物化学和化学三个专业的学位。他今年19岁,在斯坦福大学就读神经学博士,今年早些时候他辍学开始创立自己的实验室。

John Marbach has years of experience working as an Internet marketer in customer development—he founded a vacation rental portal as a high school freshman.
John Marbach有多年网络营销经验,高中的时候就开始经营一家网站。


Tom Currier co-founded Black Swan Solar two years ago to commercialize an invention that enables low cost dual-axis photovoltaic module tracking.
Tom Currier两年前加入Black Swan Solar基金会,协助推广一项低成本的双轴光电追踪模块的发明。

Jim Danielson is working on building a more powerful and efficient motor for electric vehicles.
Jim Danielson的目标是为电动车设计制造一款高能高效的马达。

Eden Full is the 19-year-old Canadian founder of Roseicollis Technologies, a solar energy start-up. She began developing her social enterprise when she was 15.
Eden Full,19岁,加拿大太阳能研究机构Roseicollis Technologies创始人,她15岁就开始创业了。

Sujay Tyle is one of the youngest students at Harvard and is passionate about hacking cellulose to create cheap biofuels.
Sujay Tyle,哈佛学生,致力于研究制造低成本生物燃料。


James Proud taught himself programming at the age of 9. Upon graduating from the British equivalent of high school, James decided not to enroll in university and instead founded GigLocator.com, a start-up that aims to help music lovers discover more live shows.
James Proud九岁时候自学了编程,中学毕业后没有上大学,而是建立了一家live视频观看的网站。

Christopher Rueth thinks access to the entire Internet is a basic human right. When he was in high school, administrators put in place draconian Internet restrictions and also started logging all student emails. Upset by the school’s intrusion, Chris created a website that allowed students in his district to bypass this snooping.
Christopher Rueth上高中的时候,学校领导限制学生们上网,并监控大家的邮件,于是他建立了一个反监控的网页。

Ben Yu's next challenge is to build an e-commerce start-up that will revolutionize price comparison on the web.
Ben Yu想要从事以价格评估为方向的电子商务行业。

Sebastien Zany is pursuing a program to finally realize the potential of computers and the Internet to enable people to work with information fluidly and creatively, especially on mobile devices.
Sebastien Zany的研究方向是使得生活工作更加便利的移动信息设备。


Gary Kurek has been developing mobility aids for physically-disabled citizens for the last four years.
Gary Kurek,致力于为残障认识开发行动辅助设备。


David (Jiageng) Luan plans to do for consumer robotics what the IBM PC did for computing.
David (Jiageng) Luan打算开发诸如生活助手那样的机器人。


John Burnham believes the key to colonizing space is to make it possible to extract valuable minerals from asteroids, comets, and other planetary bodies.
John Burnham希望从外太空开采珍稀资源。