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时尚烟盒吸引女烟民 酷似香水遭抨击

  With its glossy appearance and stylish brand name, it could be mistaken for a luxury perfume. But this elegant pearly white Vogue Perle packet (pictured) in fact conceals ‘fashion cigarettes’ – clearly targeted at young women, campaigners warn. It was created in Paris by British American Tobacco, which has been condemned for trying to make smoking appear fashionable. Danger: The elegant pearly white Vogue Perle packet (pictured) conceals 'fashion cigarettes' clearly targeted at young women, campaigners say


  The company already sells its Vogue brand in 55 countries. However, the Vogue Perle launched here is described as the first demi-slim cigarette. It is more slender and taller than a king size, yet shorter and broader than super-slim versions. Critics say the design of the pack and cigarette, which has a white filter tip, makes smoking look elegant, sexy and classy. Risk: Campaigners claim the cigarettes are targeted at young women
