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颜色隐藏大学问 看红色竟能强身健体

  Losing one’s temper is often seen as a sign of weakness. But seeing red could actually make you stronger. A study found that a mere glimpse of the colour red is enough to make us faster and more powerful. The researchers believe the phenomenon has its roots deep in evolution, with our brains programmed to tell our bodies to flee when faced by someone turning red with anger.


  Professor Andrew Elliot said: ‘Red enhances our physical reaction s because it is seen as a danger cue. ‘Humans flush when they are angry or preparing for attack. People are acutely aware of such reddening in others and its implications.’ In the modern world, there are still angry people it is wise to avoid. But powerful effect of the colour red could also help weightlifters and other sportsmen who depend on brief bursts of strength.

  教授Andrew Elliot说道:“红色能对我们的身体起到物理作用是因为它被看做成为一个危险的信号。比如:人们在面颊迅速变红时,会随时准备迎接袭击或者发动袭击。在现实生活中,我们但凡看到一个面红耳赤的人,我们就需要随时做好逃跑准备了。但是“红色效应”也不是一无是处,有弊端当然也有利处。对于举重运动员来说,红色能增强他们的爆发力,增加夺冠成数。”

  Other possibilities include that the colour’s association with dominance enhances players’ game. Or perhaps red shirts are simply easier to see, improving the accuracy of passing. Red is also a plus in the field of romance, with Professor Elliot and colleagues previously showing that both sexes are attracted to people wearing the colour. A lady in red is deemed by men to be more desirable, making them more attentive, flirtatious – and wanting to move closer.

  红色除了有增强运动员“瞬时体能”魔力之外,还在“吸引异性”方面有着神奇的魔力。教授Andrew Elliot以及其研究团队认为男女不分性别,只要身穿红色衣服就能够大大增强吸引异性的几率。一般来说,一个身穿红衣的女士会显得更加性感,男士会更愿意靠近她而展开攻势。