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谷歌致敬电吉他之父Les Paul 96岁诞辰


谷歌今天的logo是一把电吉他,致敬电吉他之父Les Paul 96岁诞辰:

Lester William Polsfuss—known as Les Paul—was an American jazz and country guitarist, songwriter and inventor. He was a pioneer in the development of the solid-body electric guitar which "made the sound of rock and roll possible".
Les Paul原名Lester William Polsfuss,是美国爵士和乡村音乐吉他手、作曲家和发明家。他是实心琴体的电吉他发展过程的关键人物。

Among his many honors, Paul is one of a handful of artists with a permanent, stand-alone exhibit in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

On August 12, 2009, Paul died of complications from pneumonia at White Plains Hospital in White Plains, New York. His last concert took place a few weeks before his death.