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最酷的椅子设计 玩的就是创意


Your job has you on the go nearly 24/7, which means that every so often you may have to drop everything and shoot out a quick email, jot down important notes . The Tempo Chair by Andrea Ruggiero aims to supply a functional piece of furniture where you can conduct this business quickly in a public space without being confined to traditional seating postures.

繁忙的工作使你每7*24小时工作,那意味着你必须放下一切事,来快速发电子邮件,匆匆记下重要的事。这种由Andrea Ruggiero设计的“速度椅子"是为在公共区域为你办公提供办公的工具,使你不局限于传统的坐姿。