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职场拒绝"男人婆" 女人强势更难升职

  Having fought their way into the boardroom they are a match for any man. But a study has shown that when women bosses try to 'act like a man' and copy aggressive management styles it actually has the opposite effect - with staff working under so-called 'alpha females' less likely to co-operate to get results.


  Researchers at the University of London found that women in the boardroom who suppress their natural skills in dealing with people can become confrontational, and would fare better from drawing on typical feminine qualities of sensitivity and good communication. The researchers studied the management styles of senior professionals within five NHS hospitals but say their findings could be applied to any profession.


  Their results showed that some senior female managers had moved away from what was called 'healthy assertiveness' and were instead attempting to 'emulate aggressive male models'. Professor Paula Nicolson, from the University of London, said: 'The best managers had more 'emotional intelligence'.

  研究中发现,越来越多的“男人婆”式女领导在管理方式上离健康的管理道路上越走越远,她们认为自己的管理方式只要偏男性化(具有侵略性的特点),就越能达到有效地管理员工的目的。然而,来自伦敦大学的教授Paula Nicolson说:“最好的管理方法并非一味性地偏男性化,最好的管理方法需要更高的情商EQ才能当上真正的领导者。”

  But women who were trying to behave like they thought men behaved were the ones who got it wrong. 'It’s almost like women feel they must 'act like a man' and overly develop traits often associated with power-hungry City traders. 'This is understandable, because previously leaders have been male.'But women's leadership style ought to come into its own when dealing with people and displaying skills in communication, judgment, sensitivity and psychological insight – all traits needed to be a good leader.'
