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  It's not just ordinary Americans who get the autopen treatment.


  Koschal says he once visited Vice President Dan Quayle's office in the Capitol and spotted a signed photograph from the first President Bush that he said had clearly been autopenned.

  柯什尔还说,他拜访前副总统丹 奎尔位于国会大厦的办公室时,发现了一张老布什总统赠出的签名照,签名明显是自动签名机写的。

  Obama took the presidential autopen out of the closetand into a new realm.


  While traveling in Europe last month, Obama directed his staff in Washington to use an autopen to sign into law an extension of certain Patriot Act powers to fight terrorism. The legislation had been approved by Congress at the last minute, and there was no time to fly it to France for Obama's signature before the anti-terrorism powers expired.


  It was believed to be the first time a president has used an autopen to sign legislation. Autopen signatures generally are reserved for more personalized correspondence that doesn't score a real signature, say officials from administrations past.
