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Cultural flexibility

    Hero hires can certainly fail. AOL (AOL) CEO Tim Armstrong has struggled to turn the company around after leaving his position as head of Google's (GOOG) U.S. ad sales two years ago, Useem says. Ed Zander, a star at Sun Microsystems, was brought in to revitalize Motorola (MSI) but floundered there before leaving in 2008.
    救世主当然也可能失败。乌西姆指出,美国在线(AOL)首席执行官蒂姆.阿姆斯特朗自两年前离开谷歌(Google)美国广告销售主管一职后,一直在为改变美国在线的现状苦苦挣扎。摩托罗拉(Motorola)曾寄望于IT公司Sun Microsystems的明星经理人埃德.詹德的加盟能让公司重新焕发活力,但他直到2008年离职都未有建树。

    "Most often, the problem is a cultural one," Sanders says. But cultural problems can be difficult to diagnose until a new CEO is dropped into the company's pool.

    Hot new hires often fall into the white knight trap. This has been a problem for GE (GE) executives, Useem adds, many of whom have left their old jobs for new positions at other companies. "The outside companies know anybody from GE ought to be good," he says, and while they were good at GE, they didn't perform as well outside of GE's unique environment.

    Apple also gives departing executives rock-star status, a la Ron Johnson. No doubt, Johnson gained valuable experience at Apple. But delivering new ideas to JCPenney will require a very different approach. "If you think you're going to run JCPenney like you ran Apple, that's probably going to be a complete, unmitigated disaster," Useem says.