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Susan Kent, the mother of one of Miss Withers’s friends, wrote to the letters page of The Daily Telegraph, describing her as a “delightful” house guest.

A source close to the family said: “The wedding is still definitely on. They are a bit shocked and embarrassed by the whole episode but their commitment to each other is stronger than one email.

“Hopefully it’s something that the whole family can laugh about in years to come.”

The row erupted six weeks ago when Mrs. Bourne repeatedly sent a sarcasm-laden email to Miss Withers complaining of an alleged lack of manners during a stay at the family at “Houndspool”, her home in Dawlish, Devon, in April.

Accusing her of displaying a “staggering lack of grace”, she used her to consider attending a finishing school.

Mrs Bourne, an old girl of Malvern St James girls’ school, Worcs, complained that Miss Withers had been a fussy eater – even though she is diabetic – and criticised her recently unemployed parents for being unable to pay much towards the wedding.
Bourne太太是乌斯特郡Malvern St James女子学校的校友,她抱怨Withers小姐吃饭太挑剔——虽然她是个糖尿病患者,并批评她的父母在准备婚礼的过程中不够尽责。

She also condemn their decision to hold the wedding reception at the castle as a “brash and celebrity like” choice.

Yesterday staff at the castle declined to offer any riposte to Mrs Bourne.

“Everyone is keeping a low profile,” said one man who declined even to give his name.