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"冥想瑜伽"印度盛行 有效预防心脏病

  At a press conference two years ago before a concert to promote Transcendental Meditation, Ringo Starr and Paul McCartney recalled their 1968 trip to India to learn meditation from the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. 'Over 40 years ago, we ended up in Rishikesh,' Starr said. 'That is where we hung out with Maharishi. We had met him a few months before in Wales. Since then, sometimes a lot, sometimes a little, I have meditated. It’s a gift he gave me.' McCartney added: 'It’s one of the few things anyone has ever given to me that means so much to me. For us, it came at a time when we were looking for something to stabilise us at the end of the crazy Sixties.'

  就在两年前,披头士成员为推广“超凡冥想”举行的音乐会前发布会会上,成员Ringo Starr 与Paul McCartney 回顾他们1968年去印度学习冥想时,感慨地说道:“40年前,我们在瑞诗凯诗(Rishikesh)-------印度最主要瑜伽静修圣地,最著名的朝圣中心之一,找到了自己。我们需要一种力量,一种让我们安静下来省视自己的力量来陪伴我们度过让我们疯狂的60年代。”