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你在等待什么?What are you still waiting for?


Putting down the burden of the past and cleaning your heart totally, you will feel a different new world. Maybe it is easier said than done. But you can regard your everyday sleep as the end of your life and think that you will not get up any more once you fall into sleep. It is done by some monks. They will put their bowls upside down, which means they cannot see the bowl any more. It is not a total assumption, for you will never know when the death will befall.

If the next day you can still wake up, then you should treat yourself as a newborn baby. You will stunning discover that everyone is very kind. A baby has no revenge. Every chirp of birds and every blooming flower is thrilling to you, as you did not heart singing and see the flower before.

We should learn to clean our soul, or our life will never light up.