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史上最精致的手工蛋糕 你舍得吃掉他们吗?
With their elaborate sugar-spun details, these sweet treats are certainly not a piece of cake to make. And clay-sculptor Karen Portaleo's stunning cakes are guaranteed to satisfy any sweet tooth. Despite Karen having no formal culinary training, the lead decorator and her team from the Highland Bakery in Atlanta, Georgia, always rise to the occasion.
当如今的蛋糕大有“越做越精致”的趋势时,蛋糕雕塑艺术品大师--Karen Portaleo的逼真蛋糕雕塑吸引着全世界的眼球,既能满足胃口需要也能达到视觉盛宴的效果。据悉,大师Karen没有接受过任何蛋糕设计培训,她以及她的蛋糕制作团队完全来自美国佐治亚州亚特兰大。
Good enough to eat! This intricately designed and coloured cake of a lady shows off Karen's talent