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  Evidence of possible phone hacking at the Sunday Mirror newspaper has been found by the BBC's Newsnight。


  The programme spoke to a journalist who worked on the paper in the past decade who claimed to have witnessed routine phone hacking in the newsroom。


  The source said celebrities including actress Liz Hurley and footballer Rio Ferdinand were targeted。

  这位员工还说那些像Liz Hurley和Rio Ferdinand的名人就是窃听目标。

  Trinity Mirror said its journalists work within the criminal law and Press Complaints Commission code of conduct。

  但是Trinity Mirror(明镜报母公司)表示明镜报的所有记者都在英国媒体投诉委员会和刑事法的约束之内工作。

  Also it has emerged that Lord Leveson, the judge who will lead the hacking inquiry has said he had attended functions with Rupert Murdoch's son-in-law - but that he had informed Prime Minister David Cameron of this before the appointment was announced。


  The allegations about the Sunday Mirror were detailed by a source who told Newsnight: "One afternoon in the newsroom I saw Liz Hurley's phone being hacked and a reporter listen to her mobile phone messages and take a note of what was said。

  另一位线人也具体的透露了有关于周日明镜报的窃听的进一步信息:某一个下午我看到了Liz Hurley的手机被窃听了,一个记者正在接听她的语音信箱记录下里面说了什么。

  "It was a Thursday and I was told that there wasn't much on there - just something about lunch from another woman, so they would keep trying before the weekend to see what they could find."


  The programme's source said the technique of phone hacking was used on a daily basis。


  "Designated reporters would be doing it pretty much every day," they said。


  "One reporter who was very good at it was called the 'master of the dark arts'。


  "At one point in 2004 it seemed like it was the only way people were getting scoops。


  "If they didn't just randomly hack people in the news, they would use it to stand up stories that people had denied."


  The source claimed the Sunday Mirror hired a voiceover artist to imitate famous people in order to get information about them。


  "I was told he had successfully managed to get health records too," the source said。甚至有人告诉他们有人还由此获得了医疗信息。

  "He was such a god of a voiceover artist that he could pretend to be famous people or failing that he'd pretend to be their lawyer or someone related to them。


  "I was told that we had got [actress] Leslie Ash's medical records from the 'dark arts'."

  我也听说我们曾经通过这种黑色艺术的方式获得了Leslie Ash的医疗信息。