News Corp.'s board, under scrutiny for its supervision amid a reporting-tactics scandal at the U.K. newspaper division, is expected to sit tight for at least the next couple of weeks, comfortable that the steps the company has taken so far are appropriate for addressing the crisis, barring other significant developments, according to people familiar with the matter.
Critics, however, contend the board lacks the level of independence it needs to ensure the mess is cleaned up properly.

A week ago, News Corp. formalized a management and standards committee tasked with cooperating on investigations into voicemail interceptions and alleged improper police payments at its U.K. newspaper unit, "conducting its own enquiries" and proposing new standards. The committee ultimately reports to independent director Viet Dinh, who was an assistant attorney general under President George W. Bush.
一周以前,新闻集团成立了一个管理与规定委员会,来专门配合官方对于窃听丑闻和英国警察局贿赂行为的调查活动,委员会进行了内部的问责并且制定了新的新闻标准。这个委员会的最终负责人是独立于集团的负责人Viet Dinh, 他曾经是乔治布什的首席检察官助理。
However, the structure of the management committee, which reports through News Corp. Executive Vice President Joel Klein, raised questions about the board's ability to properly police the company. It also bolstered longstanding criticism about the lack of truly independent oversight at News Corp. overall.
但是,由于这个委员会的构架决定了它的所有报告都要经过副总裁Joel Klein,有人怀疑这个委员会能够真正起到监督公司的作用。这些疑问也支持了一个长久以来的批评声,指出这样的委员会不能算是一个真正的独立团体来有效的监督整个新闻集团。
Corporate-governance experts say any investigation into the company's conduct can't pass muster if it is overseen by a senior executive who reports to the chief executive and controlling shareholder, Rupert Murdoch.
"The probe cannot be conducted effectively while Mr. Murdoch is in charge," said Nell Minow, a corporate-governance specialist.
一个名为Nell Minow的企业管理专员指出:只要默多克还当权,调查行为就很难高效的进行。
A spokeswoman for News Corp. said Mr. Klein, who is also a director, is reporting to the independent directors, not to Mr. Murdoch, on this investigation.
Ms. Minow is former editor of the Corporate Library, a governance research firm that recently merged with GovernanceMetrics International and has given News Corp. an "F" for its governance and board effectiveness every year since 2003. "I don't think there is such a thing as an independent director on that board.''
Minow女士是一个企业图书馆的编辑,这个管理咨询公司近期刚刚和GovernanceMetrics International合并,而且自从2003以来,咨询公司始终对于默多克的新闻集团只给F级的管理效率评分。她说:我不觉得在新闻集团董事会存在一个所谓的独立负责人。
The board's independent directors are looking ahead to a previously scheduled meeting in Los Angeles before News Corp. reports quarterly earnings Aug. 10, according to the people familiar with the situation. Nine of News Corp.'s 16 directors are considered independent.
Though the independent directors have been holding regular Friday calls in recent weeks, next month's meeting will be the first time the group convenes in person since the phone-hacking scandal flared earlier this month, precipitating the closure of News Corp.'s News of the World tabloid and putting key executives on the firing line.
Board members have been discussing Elisabeth Murdoch joining the News Corp. board following News Corp.'s acquisition of the TV production company she runs, Shine Group, according to people familiar with the matter. One of those people said the plan is still for her to join the board.
根据知情人士透露,董事会的成员一直在讨论让伊丽莎白默多克进入董事会,因为新闻集团近期收购了她掌管的Shine Group电视公司。某位董事表示,到现在位置计划还是将她引进董事会。
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