Akamai's annual State of the Internet report is loaded with all sorts of interesting, if not terribly surprising, tidbits about both broad and narrowband connections around the globe. The big news? The world-wide average connection speed has jumped 23-percent from last year, to 2.1Mbps. Speeds in the good ol' US-of-A were up 15-percent for an average of 5.3Mbps, though we still languish in 14th place on the list of fastest countries. As expected, Asia continues to dominate the speed race, with 61 cities in Japan alone making the top 100 list. If you want the fastest connections the States have to offer you'll have to head for San Jose or Riverside in CA or the home of the Wu (that's Staten Island for those of you not in the know), which all tied with an average 7.8Mbps connection.

Akamai每年都会发布有关于英特网的年度报告,这个报告不出意料的话应该会有很高的涵盖面,报道包括宽带和窄带在全球的发展趋势。想知道什么大新闻吗?全球的连接速度从去年以来上升了23%达到了2.1兆每秒。而速度评级一直处在优秀的美国带宽上升了15%达到了5.3兆每秒,但是美国还是只能排到全球的第14位。正如所预期的,亚洲国家主宰了这一场带宽比赛,其中日本有61个城市进入了全球宽带速度最快的前100个城市。当然,如果你目标高远想要成为最快的地区,那么你至少需要比San Jose或者加州的Riverside以及爱尔兰的Wu快,因为他们的平均速度都达到了7.8兆每秒。
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