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沙特拟建世界第一高楼 本拉登集团参与建造


  The world's biggest tower is to be built for $1.2billion in Saudi Arabia by the Bin Ladens。


  Prince Alwaleed bin Talal said he had signed a deal to build the 3,280ft high Kingdom Tower north of the Red Sea city of Jeddah。


  The sprawling mega project, first announced in 2008, will cover two square miles at its base. It will stand a kilometre high and is the first in a sprawling mega project for a plan called 'Kingdom City'。


  It will include a hotel, serviced apartments, luxury flats, and offices occupying around 852 square miles。


  Originally, the intention was to build the tower a mile high - a feat that would mean a 12-minute journey in a lift to get to the top - but there were fears that the soil would not support its foundations。


  Construction company, Saudi Binladen Group has been given the contract to build the structure, one of seven ambitious projects in the kingdom which is OPEC's top exporter of oil。


  The work is intended to diversify the economy from the crude oil that has fuelled the kingdom's growth for years。


  It also reflects a continuation of the unstated race between the oil rich Gulf nations that are also pumping tens of billions of dollars into job creation and housing for their lower income residents。


  In June 2009, KHC signed a deal with Dubai-based Emaar Properties to develop and oversee the construction of Kingdom City and Kingdom Tower。


  Emaar, which is partly owned by Dubai's government, is the developer of the Burj Khalifa, currently the tallest building in the world。
