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  'In his account of the first invasion, he describes the fleet leaving Korea and being hit by a typhoon before it reached the Japanese coast,' said Professor Daniele Petrella of the University of Naples, the leader of the archaeology team.

  “在描述第一次入侵日本时,他说舰队刚离开高丽(今天的朝鲜、韩国)就遭遇了台风,没能抵达日本海岸。”这支考古队的领队、那不勒斯大学教授丹尼尔 彼得雷拉说道。

  'But that happened in 1281 – is it really possible that a supposed eye witness could confuse events which were seven years apart?'


  He said that Polo’s description of the Mongol fleet did not squarewith the remains of ships that the team had excavatedin Japan, as he had written of ships with five masts, while those which had been found had only three.

  他还说,马可 波罗关于蒙古舰队的描述也与考古队在日本挖掘出来的船舶遗骸不相符,他所记录的舰船有5支桅杆,而所发掘出的舰船只有3支桅杆。

  'When he describes Kublai Khan’s fleet he talks about the pitch that was used to make ships’ hulls watertight. He used the word 'chunam’, which in Chinese and Mongol means nothing.


  'In fact, it is the Persian word for pitch. It’s also odd that instead of using, as he does in most instances, local names to describe places, he used Persian terms for Mongol and Chinese place names.'


  The explorer claimed to have worked as an emissaryto the court of Kublai Khan, but his name does not crop upin any of the surviving Mongol or Chinese records.
